Posted on 8/30/2022
Your car's engine starts through fuel and air combustion inside the cylinder. Most modern vehicles have at least four cylinders to keep running even when one fails. However, not at its full potential. This failure may cause an engine to misfire. What's A Misfire? A spark must trigger the combustion of fuel and air compressed inside the cylinder in the correct order. If this sequence fails or any element is missing, the burning reaction will not occur. This combustion failure is called a misfire. The engine cylinders must fire in a precise sequence. Otherwise, it remains unfired. Generally, a misfire is incomplete combustion inside the cylinders. It can happen during startup or when the engine is idling. While most misfires dissipate and your engine may regain full power, it usually signals an underlying problem. Multiple misfires put your engine's components under mechanical strain and may cause bigger issues if unchecked. However, when your car misfires, the check engi ... read more